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New England

Billed for centuries as the ‘land of opportunity’, for more than 500 years people have travelled to the United States of America seeking a better life. The territory was fought over by colonial powers for 300 hundred years, and finally won its independence from Britain in 1783.

A country of this size, with a history this colourful, truly does present endless opportunity for travellers heading Stateside. World-famous attractions like the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona don’t even begin to scratch the surface of what the US has to offer visitors.

But for truly breath-taking autumnal scenes, New England in October is a destination guaranteed to provide a picture-perfect backdrop like no other. With lakes, national parks, a rich history and some of Americas best galleries and museums; whether you’re looking for stunning scenic landscapes or a cultural city experience, New England has it all.